Morning Sky Medicine Friends

Morning Sky Medicine Friends


You metropolitan folks

will really have to use

your imagination

for this one

since modernity

has stolen the stars

from your eyes

This morning

4:15 AM

I stepped

on to the landing

of the outdoor stairway

on my way

to the meditation hall

The sky was still night

blackness deeper than my mind

could ever reach

not even a wisp

of sunlight

at the hill-curved horizon

crisp Catskill air

kissed my cheeks


Held quietly boldly forth

by the incomprehensible sky

the Big Dipper

openly offered

its diamond-bright self

to me

a giant cup

of unimaginableness

handle hanging down

touching the tips

of the bare trees

so close

it seemed I could reach out

and take hold of it

so with immediate delight

I did

and I have to tell


Big Dipper was glad

to be held

same as us

you know

Gratefully gleefully

I poured it’s celestial nectar

in to the top of my head

my body

drank it down to my feet

revealing a thirst

I’d forgotten

or ignored

I could feel each cell

of me


It was the most natural

joyful thing

to do

You would too

I’m sure

Then of course

I wanted to share

some of me

with my new friend

so held its sparkling cup

to my heart

filled it up

and placed it

back in the sky


feeling it’s contentment

through to my bones

This wasn’t some childish fantasy

it was child-like wisdom

and love

shared between two aspects

of the One

whom we all know

when we listen

and see

and play

I wonder

who else

I can make friends with

this way

Maybe you




10.28 & 11.3.2017

6 thoughts on “Morning Sky Medicine Friends

  1. Now the day’s light begins later and later each day as we approach winter. The blessing is we have more time to enjoy the stars!


  2. Hi friends.
    I’ve made many edits to this. I tend to write like sculpting… get a general form at first, the hone and polish so that each word sings and each line is its own experience yet in a dance with those around it… Thanks for reading and commenting! It deep soul food to write and share and have it appreciated. ❤


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